To school or not to school, on a snow day?
Many homeschool families handle snow days differently. Some take the day off and others do not.
What is the right way….BOTH!
It really is whatever works best for your family. For example my family has usually continued with school, but I have no problem with waking up one morning to a blanket of snow on the ground and deciding to not have school. For us, our school only lasts between 2-4 hours a day so we are done by lunch and the kids have all afternoon to play in the snow.
No matter if you have school or not there is so much learning that can happen while out enjoying the snow.
Here are a few ideas…
Look for animal tracks. Just last week when my family had our first snow fall of the year my kids were so excited to discover animal tracks in the snow. The learning here can be as simple as discussing what animal you think it is and/or following where it went in your yard to more in-depth learning of researching what type of animal it is, measuring it’s track, and counting it’s prints.
Hunting for icicles. This can lead to discussion on how icicles form, counting all the icicles you find, taking pictures of them and so much more.
Measuring the snowfall. Great way to practice measuring skills. Kids can even guess before they actually measure.
I hope these ideas are a blessing to your homeschool.
May Yah bless your homeschool!