Should I homeschool?
Should I homeschool? Short answer, YES! Ever since my family began homeschooling almost 4 years ago I have become the BIGGEST homeschool advocate. There is absolutely nothing like teaching your own children.
Why is it so easy for me to say YES to homeschool?
Time! You hear many sayings as a new parent such as; “time flies”, “don’t blink you’ll miss it”, “the days are long, but the years are short”, “savor every moment” and many more that point to the idea that this part of your life will go by fast. So, if the time with our children is so short then why would we want to spend so little of it with them? According to a survey by Backyard Oasis the average family spends six hours and seventeen minutes together a WEEK! That is mind blowing, but when I think back to the time I worked fulltime, out of the home, and my kids were either at school or the babysitter I can understand it. We easily spent 9-10 hours away from each other between work, school and babysitter. Then you add in extra-curricular activities and we really did not spend that much time TOGETHER and even LESS QUAILITY TIME together. As a homeschool mom this has all changed FOR THE BETTER.
FREEDOM! Homeschooling allows you as the parent/s to take back your schedule, time, and so much more. You have the FREEDOM to set your schedule. You are not tied to school schedules, work/school deadlines and more. You set your schedule AND you can change that schedule as needed. You don’t have the worry about how much time your child will miss due to illness because you are not tied to attendance records. Homeschooling sets you free from many unnecessary burdens.
GOD COMMANDS US TO! When reading scripture you see verses like Ephesians 6:4 that instructs Fathers to bring up their children in the instruction and admonition of the Lord. Also Psalms 78:4 instructs us to tell our children of the Lord’s strength and of His wonderful works. Lastly the verses from Deuteronomy 6:6-7 commands us to teach His word to our children and to talk about them when we sit, walk by the way, when we lie down and when we rise up. If we are only with our children for six hours a week as the study suggest, how much time do we really have to teach our children about the Lord as He has commanded us.? Homeschooling allows us to be MORE obedient to His word and TRAIN UP OUR CHILDREN.