Is structure necessary?

Is structure necessary for homeschooling? Is it necessary for raising children? Is it necessary for life? Yes, yes and yes! People need structure and that includes our littlest people.

Organizations like the CDC state on their website “Structure helps parents and their kids. Kids feel safe and secure because they know what to expect.” ( Hillsdale college website says “a structured environment actually allows children to become better friends, better children, and better people.” (

And if you are like me and appreciate what man says, but would rather seek what Yahweh says then keep reading…

Our creator, the most high, created a system of structure. Yahweh, our lawgiver, gave us laws and order to create a space of peace and not confusion. (Isaiah 33:22, 1 Corinthians 14:33) His laws and commands set boundaries on how to live our lives. These boundaries create organization of daily life activities and major life events. We know what is expected and we know what is not. This is structure.

For example Yahweh created a 7 day week. That is an organization of our daily and weekly life. You don’t find that some people follow a 3 day week and others a 7. That would cause confusion. Yahweh also created a structure of 6 days you work and 1 day you rest. He established the 7th day as a rest day for all, as we know Sabbath was created for man. (Genesis 1:1-2:3, Mark 2:27) He sanctified ONE day, the seventh day for man to rest. This cycle of the seven day week is His structure.

If our creator felt it important to have structure then it definitely is important for us to create structure in our lives. In our homeschool, in raising our children and in our lives we should have structure to eliminate confusion and chaos.

Shalom and blessings to you and your homeschool.

Campbell Homeschool Chronicles


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