So. many. kids.
I see so many questions in homeschool groups on how to homeschool multiple children at once. I have even asked myself this many times.
With four children, age span is 8 years from my oldest to youngest, so there are lots of different levels between the four of them and this creates an obstacle to how I can teach them all at their level.
One way to do this is to use the older children to help/teach/play with the younger ones. This not only allows the opportunity to work with each child one on one, but it teaches responsibility to my older two children.
How your older children can help with your younger ones…
They can help them with their school work. Read to them, color with them, count coins with them etc.
They can play with them. Build blocks, color, complete puzzles, and more!
They can exercise with them. Have your older child play follow the leader or Simon says with the younger. Take them for a walk outside or complete a youtube brain break video with them.
There are many ways you can utilize your older children to help occupy your younger ones so that you can be free to work with each child as needed.
May Yah bless your homeschool!